
The blog is available on Facebook pages Excellence Academy and Edin Brankovic

Excellence Academy founder Edin Branković presented several scientific studies about motivation in 2019. Due to circumstances caused by the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, Excellence Academy has decided to offer new content – Blog “Something More About Motivation”. Since June, in the four months period, the blog has been reached with over 11.000 visitors.

In July 2020 the Academy started to publish a blog written by its founder, Edin Branković. The blog tells about motivation from the perspective of educational psychology, cognitive and behavioral science, and neuroscience. Blog offers practical advice that can improve motivation at the end of each post. Until now, three posts have been published: Towards Finding a Meaning and Life Role; How Do We Make [Good] Decisions?; What are the 3 Psychological Needs?. All blog posts are available on the Excellence Academy and Edin Brankovic official Facebook pages. The blog has been recognized and supported by BHTelecom as innovative, creative and valuable content that resonates with BHTelecom moto “Good Story” (“Dobra priča”). Excellence Academy and BHTelecom have presented an innovative way of how rich experiences can be put in the online context and, therefore, be a motivation to go over uncertain period that affected all people on the planet.