Edin Branković, M,Sc., national team athlete of Bosnia and Herzegovina and founder of Excellence Academy attended IOC Youth Summit that was held in partnership with Panasocnic in its exibition and Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games center. Edin was invited as Young Change-Maker who has successfully founded and develped to self sustainablity project of “Excellece Academy Bosnia and Herzegovina” (Est. 2015) with a mission to inspire and empower youth to recognize personal talents and values through programs of sport, education and culture. On the first day of the Summit Edin held presentation on Excellence Academy together with his YCM fellows.
The Summit was attended by 38 young, inspring and succesful YCM from all over the world who have initiated YCM projects with support of IOC and Panasonic. On the Summit YCM presented their projects, discussed and offer insights of their experiences as well as they indicated future steps.
President of IOC, Mr. Thomas Bach and president of Panasonic Kazuhiro Tsuga attended the Summit and they talked with YCM about YCM+ initiative that has engaged more than thousand participants all over world whereas sport has been used as a vehicle for united, healthier and peaceful world. Nobel Laureate, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Yunus attended the Summit and he gave a lecture to YCMs. Afterwards YCMs participated in the work shop of Yunus foundation. Together with Ms. Hiromi Kawamura YCMs shared their views on Tokyo 2020. With Thomas van Schaik YCMs they discussed about branding and with Prof. Dr. Alexis Lyras about skills needed to ensure good education and good quality of jobs.
This Summit was last official project for Mr. Philippe Furrer, Head of YOG Engagement Learn & Share, who has started YCM+ project in 2015 which was back in 2015 YA+ (Young Ambasador+). Mr. Furrer had shared his experiences and accomplishments with YCMs and participants of the Summit. Briefly, in 2015, IOC had 11 projects. In 2017, 42 projects with tendency to grow even higher. Several YCM are currently in IOC commissions with commitment of IOC President to “significantly increase the number”. On “Olympism in Action Forum” in Buenos Aires (October, 2018) a Drafting Committee composed of seven IOC representatives and seven Young Change-Makers +, co-chaired by Coates J. and Salas J. (YCM), was tasked with identifying and summarising high-level trends and perspectives from the Forum that would be of relevance for the Olympic Movement to consider.
The Summit brought new insights to IOC, Panasonic, Tokyo 2020 and it gave YCMs new experiences with whom they will be able to broaden their current engagements in their societies world wide. Edins’ participation on the IOC Youth Summit is a great recognition for Bosnia and Herzegovina, NOC Bosnia and Herzegovina and SF Bosnia and Herzegovina who have been supporting Excellence Academy. The next projects of Excellence Academy include lectures and workshops with young athletes, secondary school and high school students and special publications.
(Photo: Olympic.org & Panasonic)