Faculty of Economics of the University of Zenica and Excellence Academy organized in partnership with BHTelecom webinar for the students of the Faculty: LEADERSHIP AND MOTIVATION: Leading Ourselves and (or) the Others?
The panelists of the webinar were:
Nađa Lutvikadić-Fočo (The Head of Promotions BH Telecom)
Title of the presentation: The Role of Branding and PR in Leadership
Ilma Dedić-Grabus – Assistant on the Faculty of Economics of the University of Tuzla and Excellence Academy Alumni
Title of the presentation: Leadership Types and the Changes
Milan Todorović – Information/cybersecurity and BCM at Intesa San Paolo Bank Bosnia and Herzegovina and i Excellence Academy Alumni
Title of the presentation: Personal Experience After Finished Studies on the Faculty of Economics
Edin Branković – Excellence Academy Founder
Title of the presentation: (De)Mistification of (De)Motivation
Excellence Academy and BHTelecom have presented an innovative way of how rich experiences can be put in an online context and, therefore, how motivation and leadership matter in uncertain times.

Some participants of the webinar “Leadership and Motivation” and the panelists of the webinar